
Mission : Leap Beer, 366 Beers in 366 Days

Archive for the day “December 19, 2012”

Leapbeer Review #320 Black Butte Porter by Deschutes

Originally I wasn’t going to cover any of the basic Deschutes beers. Not for any reason other than the fact that they were a bit pricey to get in my area (16.99-18.99 per six pack).  But this Black Butte is an absolute gem. This has been sitting in my fridge since May, when my sister bought it and left a couple with me.

Even though I have had this black butte for a while, since late summer, but the only sign that it’s starting to pop off is the fact that it’s slightly clouded with old yeast flecks. I’ve had a couple of beers that were like this now, and none have been affected by this at all. If you find yourself pouring a glass that looks like its got snowflakes in it, don’t be afraid.

This beer is a very impressive achievement. Its a browny black porter that pours with a nice sizeable head on top of it. The smell is sweet, malty with a hint of smoke. Not that I think theirs rauch malt (smoked malt) included in it, but it has a hint of it, perhaps a chocolate malt. When you drink this beer it really dances a strange kind of conundrum over your palate. It is rich, light, quaffably, deseving of savouring, complex and simple at the same time. I realize I’m not describing this beer too well, but the flavour profile is overwhelming. Do yourself a favor and get one of these to try (if you haven’t had one yet).  The bottled version is so much better than the fresh hop porter I had back at the Deschutes Brewpub in Portland. I’m not sure how Deschutes packs this much flavour into a 5.2% porter, but I love it.

Leapbeer #320 is Black Butte Porter by Deschutes Brewery

Black Butte Porter by Deschutes Brewing Company

Black Butte Porter by Deschutes Brewery

Brewery: Deschutes Brewery of Bend Oregon
Released: Unknown
Size/ABV: 341ml Bottle/5.2% ABV
Availability: Widely available at private liquor stores
Purchased @:
Lucky’s Liquors in Nanaimo
Other Reviews: Beer Advocate, Rate Beer

I also have a bottle of their imperial porter, Black Butte XIV in my cellar. I’m really looking forward to it based on my feelings to this beer.

Thanks for reading

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