
Mission : Leap Beer, 366 Beers in 366 Days

Leapbeer Review #150 Five by Upright Brewing Company

Having never seen the Upright beers until earlier this year I was very curious about their naming structure. The Top Shelf Liquor store in Courtenay stocks three of them, and this is the first one I got. I picked it because it was the first one to mention Hops on the back.

Here’s what it says on it.
Five is a hoppy beer, starting with a strongly aromatic and spicy nose. On the tongue, deep herbaceous flavors underscore a firm bitterness that lasts through a dry finish. This beer is made with pale and caramel malts, rolled barley, willamette, liberty and perle hops and a unique saison yeast. Pour into your favorite glass, whatever that may be, and  enjoy!”

This isn’t the first saison on the leapbeer journey, and likely not the last. It is a very strange and lovely style of beer that has the ability to be represented in so many ways. The five indeed has a very strong aromatic profile. You get the peppery saison smell right on the nose. It also tastes quite sour, as any good belgian style yeast will yield in a brew. It sips quite nicely and is a relatively lower test beer, making it great for session drinking (5.5% ABV).

My bottle had a considerable amount of sediment in the bottom and for the 2nd glass of it I really gave the last few bits a swirl to get it out. My glass is now completely opaque amber and the sourness has been turned up quite a bit. The balance between the hops the sour yeast and the subdued malts is very nice in this beer.

Leapbeer #150 is Five (5) by Upright Brewing Company of Portland Oregon

Thanks for reading

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